Instagram Update: Lekker zondagje in bed? Kom dan straks toch even bij ons binne lopen … we zijn tot 19.30 open! Dit mooie bed is van #Loof en het hand gebreide sprei van #CozybyEm niks fijners dan je op zo’n druilerige dag te omringen met fijne producten. • it’s a Stay in bed allday kind of day! Maybe stop by our shop later on…. we are open until 19.30. Nothing better than to surround you with lovable designs… makes you happy! The bed is by #Loof and the beautiful hand knitted plaid by #cozybyem • #rainyday #sunday #sundaymood #stayinbedkindofday #relaxingsunday #handknitted #honigcomplexnijmegen #honigcomplex #conceptstore #cmoreconceptstore #bed #bedroom #bedroomdecor #interiorstyling #color #cozy #wool #wood #nordic #scandinavianinterior #slowshopping via Instagram http://ift.tt/2mIYsKZ